What are the functions and effects of wine

2023-09-12 16:24

The efficacy and function of wine is that wine can prevent and cure influenza, because the virus of influenza is resistant to most drugs. But it was found that among those who frequently drink wine, they rarely catch a cold. This phenomenon attracted attention. They added red, white wine, and grape juice to the virus culture medium for testing, and the results showed that common cold viruses such as herpes simplex virus and Coxsackie virus can lose their vitality in both wine and juice, with grape skin extract having the best effect. The Koyu family believes that this is because grapes contain "phenol" compounds that can form a thin film on the surface of the virus, making it difficult for it to enter human cells, In order to achieve the effectiveness of preventing and treating colds, phenol It mainly exists on the grape skin, so drinking hot red wine can reduce cold symptoms and prevention when catching a cold. 2. Prevention and treatment of wine and cardiovascular diseases. The proanthocyanidins in wine can stabilize the collagen fibers that make up the grape seed membrane, inhibit histidine decarboxylation, avoid excessive needle formation in rabbits, reduce the rigidity of the blood vessel wall, and prevent arteriosclerosis. In addition, there is a risk of death due to proanthocyanidin infarction, according to statistics from the American Medical Research Association: The French and Italians who enjoy drinking low alcohol wine have the lowest heart disease mortality rate, while Americans and Finns who drink more alcohol and less wine have a high heart disease mortality rate. 3. The preventive and therapeutic effects of wine on cerebral thrombosis. Wine contains white reed, a plant antitoxin that has the ability to inhibit platelet aggregation. The presence of reed in wine lies on the grape skin, which contains about 1 microgram per liter in red wine and only 02 micrograms in white wine. Experiments have shown that even if red wine is diluted 1000 times, it is still effective in inhibiting platelet aggregation, with an inhibition rate of 42%, which can reduce the occurrence of cerebral thrombosis. 4. Wine can prevent and treat kidney stones. German scientists have found in their research that drinking wine in moderation can prevent kidney stones. Medical experts from the Medical Research Institute of the University of Munich recently pointed out that the traditional view of drinking more beverages to prevent kidney stones is not scientific or comprehensive. The most important thing is to determine which beverage to drink. Through clinical observations of 45000 healthy and disabled individuals, researchers have confirmed that people who regularly consume moderate amounts of wine are less likely to develop kidney stones. Researchers have found that people who consume different drinks in moderation have different risks of developing kidney stones. People who drink a quarter liter of coffee every day have a 10% lower risk of developing kidney stones than those who do not have this habit; Drinking black tea regularly is 14% lower; People who drink wine in Luan have the least chance of getting kidney stones, and the risk of getting disease is 36% lower than those who are not used to it. 5 The latest test results show that wine can prevent breast cancer. The latest test results show that drinking wine and feeding shepherd's purse to mice that have already induced cancer found that wine has a strong inhibition on cancer. As the researchers at the University of Science and Technology, mulberry, peanut and grape skin were selected to have the strongest anti-cancer activity. American scientists have recently discovered that grape wine contains a chemical substance that can prevent breast cancer. It is located in Roy? At the press conference of his visit to Washington, Williams said that they found a substance in red wine and white wine that can prevent breast cancer. This material has this effect because it can resist estrogen, and female stimulants are related to breast cancer.

6. Red wine prevents retinal degeneration. A Harvard University study found that red wine has the effect of preventing macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is caused by the dissociation of harmful oxygen molecules, which can damage the macula in the muscle. Wine, especially red wine, contains a substance called resveratrol that can eliminate oxygen free radicals, which can protect the visual perception from harm. Experiments have confirmed that people who drink a small amount of red wine in Jingluan are less likely to suffer from macular degeneration than those who do not. 27. Wine can help improve memory. The results of experiments published by experts suggest that moderate consumption of wine can help improve brain memory and learning abilities. Two doctors from Dayu, Milan, have conducted extensive experiments and found that drinking a small amount of wine can promote the production of a certain amount of substance in the brain, which can promote the generation of a type of neural cell memory related substance. According to measurements, the amount of alcohol produced after drinking wine is stronger than that of non drinkers in terms of brain memory and learning ability. Another doctor found that obese patients who drink wine during the period of obesity will maintain a strong energy and will not become sluggish due to dieting, leading to memory loss. 8. Wine can inhibit fat absorption. Undergraduate scientists have found that red wine can inhibit brain fat absorption, and experiments have been conducted in mice. After drinking wine for a Yin of time, it has been found that the absorption of fat in the intestines of mice slows down. Clinical trials in humans have also reached the same conclusion. 9 Wine can resist oxidation, and the original flower green flag in aging wine is currently internationally recognized and discovered as an effective natural antioxidant for clearing the human body. The anti chemical ability is 50 times that of vitamin E and 20 times that of vitamin C, and it is absorbed quickly and completely. The white berberine alcohol in wine is a natural antioxidant that can delay aging. It can aid in digesting 60-100 grams of wine and increase the normal liquid production by 120 milliliters. Wine is beneficial for protein assimilation; The tannins of red wine can enhance the contractility of smooth muscle fibers in the muscle system. Therefore, wine can regulate the function of the colon and have a certain therapeutic effect on colitis. Sweet white wine contains potassium sorbate, which helps to secrete bile and pancreas. Therefore, wine can help digestion and prevent constipation

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