The brewing method of kiwifruit wine The efficacy and function of kiwifruit wine

2023-09-12 16:32

1、 The brewing method of kiwifruit wine

Kiwi wine is a fruit wine made from kiwi fruit as raw material. Its nutritional composition and efficacy are relatively good, and many people love to drink it. So how can kiwi wine be brewed? Method 1

1. Prepare materials

Kiwi fruit, yeast syrup, sterilized jar, sterilized glass bottle.

2. Production steps

(1) Raw material selection: Choose fully mature and soft wild kiwifruit as the raw material. Remove hard, rotten, and diseased fruits.

(2) Raw material processing: Wash and drain the fruit, and then crush it into a pulp using manual labor or a crusher. Add an appropriate amount of soft water when crushing.

(3) Main fermentation: Place the fruit pulp in a sterilized jar or cement tank for natural fermentation. The amount of fruit pulp loaded is 80% of the container volume. After entering the pool, add 5% fruit pulp weight and 8.5% sugar yeast syrup. In the early stage of fermentation, sufficient air should be supplied to accelerate yeast reproduction. Closed containers are required during the middle and later stages of fermentation. The fermentation temperature is controlled between 25-30 ° C. To prevent bacterial infections, 7-8 grams of sulfite are added to every 100 kilograms of fruit juice. During the fermentation period, mix twice a day until the sugar content drops below 0.5% and the fermentation broth has no sound or bubbles, which is the main fermentation endpoint. Generally lasting for 5 to 6 days

(4) Separation and pressing: After the main fermentation is completed, immediately separate the fruit residue and liquor. First, take the juice from the flow, and then put the fruit peel and residue into the press to extract the liquor

After joining the Abao Tu Tian Tu stubborn charge, it ferments. (5) Post fermentation: There is still a small amount of sugar in the main fermented liquor that has not been converted into alcohol. The alcohol content of the liquor can be adjusted to 12 degrees, and it can be kept at a temperature of 20-25 ° C in a strictly disinfected container. After fermentation for about one month, it can be separated.

(6) Blending and aging: Separate and precipitate the fermented liquor using siphon method, then adjust the alcohol content to 16-18 degrees, and then place it in the basement for sealed aging for 1-2 years.

(7) Blending and filtering: Use edible alcohol to adjust the alcohol content of the aged wine to 15-16 degrees, and then filter to obtain the finished wine. (8) Bottle filling: Fill the filtered finished kiwifruit wine into a disinfected clean glass bottle, immediately cap and seal it, and label it for storage. Method 2

1. Prepare materials

Kiwi fruit, Baijiu, rock sugar, sterilized sealed glass jars.

2. Production steps

(1) Wash the kiwi fruit, let it dry naturally, then cut it into small pieces, and then place it in a glass jar.

(2) Then add Baijiu. After the Baijiu has been immersed, weigh the monkey peach. Then put a little rock sugar in it. After sealing, place it in a cool and ventilated place. (3) After brewing for about 3 months, open it for drinking. Pay attention to filtering the scattered and precipitated black seeds and precipitates before continuing to preserve

The efficacy and effects of kiwifruit wine

Kiwi fruit wine has a unique flavor and rich functions. The brewed "Monkey fruit wine" contains rich vitamins, amino acids, and polyphenols, which can have the following effects:

Improving appetite

The color of kiwifruit wine is light yellow, which is pleasing to the eye and contains a certain amount of malic acid, which is more conducive to digestive function. It can ensure the balance of water in the human body, promote hormonal balance, and help with physical health and weight control

2. Nourishing effect

Monkey peach wine contains sugars, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. These are essential nutrients for the human body. It can be directly absorbed by the human body without prior digestion, especially for the physically weak. Regular consumption of kiwi wine in moderation is beneficial for restoring health.

3. The preventive and therapeutic effects of cardiovascular diseases

It is said that Houtao wine can increase the high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood, and the role of HDL is to transport cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues to the liver for metabolism, so it can effectively reduce blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. The whole reed in kiwifruit wine is present on the skin of macaques and has a significant effect on inhibiting platelet aggregation, with an inhibition rate of 42%, which can reduce the occurrence of cerebral thrombosis.

4. The main culprit of human oxidation is oxygen free radicals, which are active genes containing unpaired electrons outside the nucleus. These unpaired electrons can easily cause chemical reactions and damage important biological molecules such as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), proteins, and lipids, thereby affecting the transport process of cell membranes, damaging the function of various tissues and organs, and promoting aging of the body. According to a survey, kiwifruit wine ranks among the top in terms of antioxidant efficacy among many fruit wines.

5. Beauty and beauty care

The antioxidant effect of kiwifruit wine can also improve skin dullness. Long term consumption has a whitening effect, making the skin more shiny, delicate, and elastic.

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