How to Pour a Red Wine Awakener Precautions for Pouring Red Wine

2023-09-06 15:25

1、 How to pour a red wine decanter

For young and sedimentless wines, simply pour the liquor slowly into a dry, clean and suitable shaker, allowing it to come into full contact with oxygen. But a wine decanter is different from a wine decanter without a handle. A decanter with a handle can be poured directly, which is convenient and elegant. A decanter without a handle is like a large mouth with a round belly. When pouring wine, one should hold the slender stem of the decanter with one hand, preferably closer to the round belly of the decanter, and hold the bottom of the decanter with the other hand. Align the protruding part of the decanter bottle with the glass to pour wine steadily. However, for some wine with sediment, pouring it directly may bring the sediment into the decanter. At this time, you should do this: 1. Place the wine to be decanted vertically and let it stand for a period of time.

2. Slowly pour the wine into the decanter under a suitable light source. Of course, you can also install a stainless steel filter (similar to a tea filter) directly above the decanter to prevent sediment from entering the decanter.

3. When there is not much liquid left in the bottle and there is a large accumulation of sediment at the bottleneck, stop pouring the wine. However, if there is still a lot of sediment left at the bottleneck but there is still a lot of liquor in the bottle, it is best to consider using the filtering device mentioned above to transfer the remaining liquor to the decanter.

2、 Precautions for pouring red wine with a decanter

Before pouring wine into the decanter, make sure the decanter is dry and clean, as residual water in the decanter can dilute the flavor of the wine, while dust can affect the quality of the wine

When pouring wine, it is important to grasp the angle and speed, allowing the wine to slowly flow down the glass wall to avoid excessive bubbles caused by violent pouring. 23. When sobering aged wine, the pouring speed should be slowed down when the liquor in the bottle is almost half full, and the entire pouring process should be completed at once to avoid allowing the sediment to flow back and mix with the liquor again

4. Gently shaking the decanter back and forth to fully contact the liquor with the air can accelerate the process of wine decanting.

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